No gimmicks or “trial” shenanigans, just a solid offer for those wanting to breakthrough and thrive
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Dear Fellow Business Enthusiast,

Yes. You really ARE getting FOUR complete business breakthrough courses which are designed to take you on a journey from start to finish for only four dollars.  No obligations, no tricks.  When you take advantage of this offer you get full, unlimited, immediate access to everything these courses have to offer. The reason I’m doing this is simple…

We believe everyone should have access to the information they need to set themselves up with a profitable, successful business if they have the drive to do so. So, I’ve made this information as accessible as possible for anyone who has an idea they want to get off the ground. Each one comes with videos and action specific advice so you’ll be able to implement fast. There’s no delay.

There are no further financial obligations required, but, we do humbly, for your own benefit, ask TWO things of you:

  1. Actually USE the material you’ve learned to make your life, and the lives of others better and..
  2. ENGAGE with Abraham University on your path to greatness through onboard.  Make sure to give us accurate contact information so we can let you know about programs and events of high value to you that are FULL of information to help you achieve the financial security you desire.

COURSE #1: Navigating Economic Headwinds

In this short series, I provide advice on the mindset you need to successfully navigate the headwinds you are facing in your business and career during these unprecedented times.

There’s no fluff, no mussing around, just proven, actionable, immediate, cash-flow-generating tactics and strategies to help you RIGHT NOW.  It comes with five no-nonsense video training sessions from me personally where I walk you through exactly what to do whether you’re an hourly employee who’s been laid off or a seasoned CEO trying to save or grow your business amidst these raging tides:

  • The Way To Emerge Victorious Through This Crisis No Matter If You’re An Entrepreneur, Employee, Or In Transition To Go From One To The Other
  • How To Crack The “Millionaire Code” In Less Than A Year Starting From Scratch Even If You Have No Capital, Product, Service Or Skill
  • The Mental Matrix For Growing Your Growth Potential And Becoming An Ultimate Value Creator
  • How To Prepare For And Seize Opportunities No Matter Where You Are On The Continuum… So You Can Transition To A Position And Place Of
  • Certainty, Security, And Financial Prosperity
  • … And Much, Much More!

Here’s the bottom line – go through this short course and you’ll know how to masterfully navigate economic headwinds now and into the future. You’ll never be stuck struggling to keep afloat wondering what to do, because this isn’t just guesswork hoping for the best…

But this just scratches the surface because you’re also getting  ==>

COURSE #2: What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

This unprecedented, four-hour encounter will really give you the edge when it comes to figuring out exactly and precisely WHAT to do when you don’t know what to do.

I designed it to “piggy back” off what you learn in Navigating Economic Headwinds and it’s designed to do one thing and one thing only: Conquer Crisis And Find Your Best Go-Forward Strategy And Implementation Game Plan.   I’m going to identify for you five very significant but totally overlooked opportunities, profit possibilities, and revenue sources I don’t think anyone else in the world is talking about.

When you’re in the midst of an economic downturn you’ve never experienced before, and you’re being hit by all sides with different issues, challenges, problems, issues and opportunities you’ve never confronted before… You don’t know what to do!

Here’s just some of what you’ll discover:

  • The Best Ways To Monetize Your Skills And Abilities
  • Ways To Get Your Stuck, Stalled Or Suffocating Business Going And Growing Again
  • Utterly Brilliant Ways To Use Your Relationships And Contacts To Generate Significant Fresh Income Streams — Literally When No One Thinks Any Opportunity Exists
  • Proactive Breakthrough Strategies You Can Do To Get Yourself, Your Career, And Business Moving And Monetizing NOW (as well as when things continue improving)
  • And Much More, Including Ultra-Deep Perspectives, Strategic Game Plans, And Highly Actionable Tactical Implementation Techniques To Apply!

This four-hour nonstop, hands-on course comes with pure world-class unconventional, ultra-innovative advice, instruction, guidance and unimaginably insightful perspectives — NO ONE ELSE CAN PROVIDE.

It’s just like having me in your office advising you on what to do — right now — to make the most (not the least) out of everything this crisis has inflicted (or is about to) on either your job, career or business.

You’re also getting…

COURSE #3: Small Moves Big Profits

Small Moves Big Profits is truly a treat. You’re getting three-hours of conventional business advice where I show you my top highly effective, immediately actionable, and totally proven big business growth tactics you can implement and realize using the small amounts of time and money you WASTE every day on things which bring you neither profit nor joy.

In this business mastery course, you’ll discover exactly how to activate your own SMALL MOVES to realize radical, exponential BIG PROFITS in your business — doubling, redoubling, even redoubling again the profit you’re currently generating.

In it, you’ll discover…

  • How To Get Your Mind In Gear To Go After BIG PROFITS And Maximum Leverage And Do It With Very Small, Safe, Easy, Rapid, Almost Instantaneous Moves
  • The ideology and distinctions of few operational and attitudinal and procedural shifts to get you ready
  • A number of categories and walk you through a generic revenue system and show you what it normally entails
  • How To Take Masterful Advantage Of Levers And Fulcrums To Make Your Life Easier, Bigger, And More High-leveraged On The Upside For Far Less Energy, Effort, And Time.
  • Elements That Can Be Dramatically Increased, Enhanced, Changed Just By Making Small Little Shifts In Your Current Revenue System
  • Powerhouse Pivots To Get You More Profit Increases And Multiply The Performance Of Everything You Do Throughout Your Revenue System
  • Minor Shifts to get you more profit increases and multiply the performance of everything you do throughout your revenue system
  • Little factors that are going to make the big increases (the little inputs that are gonna make the big outputs)
  • And Much, Much More…

If you never want to allow yourself or your business to ever operate in the incremental zone again where you’re just happy with little, minor, meager improvements or increases or additions to your results… when the same effort or less can be explosively exponential, this is for you.

You’ll also receive…

COURSE #4: Turn Any Skill Or Hobby Into A Money Making Career

I’ll walk you through the exact mindset and methodology that will show you how to take the EXPERT KNOWLEDGE you already have and transfer your skillset into something really interesting… something that educates… something you can turn into a primary income stream and passion driven career.

Right now, you may be sitting on something truly valuable. Something you already enjoy doing (and are good at).  Something you already have a passion for that is useful and valuable to others.  But HOW do you turn that passion or hobby that you’ve already mastered into a consistent, predictable, and reliable profit center.

Here’s what’s inside:

  • How To Create A Primary Income Stream Focused And Based On What You Love And Make Yourself Successful Financially
  • How To Package, Distribute Or Connect Your Knowledge, Expertise Or Hobby To Groups That Would Value It
  • Cool Insights Which Will Help You Fast Track And More Rapidly Elevate And Accelerate The Profit You End Up Making For Yourself AND The Career Shift This Ends Up Giving You
  • How To Monetize What You Do In A More Significant Way
  • How To Communicate With Your Target Audience In A Very Noble Way With Knowledge Which Resonates What They’re Interested In And Who They Are
  • How To Package And Present Your Various Knowledge In Forms That Would Monetize And Make You Money
  • And Much, Much More…

And here’s something else that you’ll be happy about.  If you happen not to possess any specialized skill, knowledge, hobby — that’s not even a problem!  Because I teach you how you can actually make MORE money than the ones that do because you can become an optimizer of as many people out there in as many different fields of knowledge and application as you want to identify and control, and I’ll teach you precisely how.

This training alone could potentially transform your whole life, your income, your financial situation, and at very least, add to it if you never took it to full time.  But… I want to give you even more ==>


I won’t tell you what it is but I’ll give you a hint: It sold for $1,994 and a few thousand were sold…. This Secret Bonus is legitimately worth $1,994 and you simply CAN’T get it anywhere else.


Every Abraham University Member will receive a free onboarding session with one of our Abraham University Program Managers. Don’t worry, this isn’t some sleazy high-pressure sales call… we wouldn’t do that to you.

On this call, we’ll make sure you have access to all of your courses in your dashboard, know how to access resources and we’ll chat with you about your business and your goals and serve as an accountability partner to make sure you’re using your courses for maximum yield. We may, or may not, also recommend other resources to help you.

This onboarding call is often THE KEY to program success. We’ll reach out to you to schedule a time after you sign up. PLUS.. You’ll get another SECRET BONUS for showing up to the call!

Listen – you really ARE getting all of this for just FOUR DOLLARS.

HOWEVER… this will EXPIRE when the timer on the page hits ZERO.

So claim this offer now!



Enter your contact information below to tell us where to send your free access instructions.

Enrollment Success!